• November: I will be presenting the poster for my NeurIPS 2024 paper “CLAP4CLIP: Continual Learning with Probabilistic Finetuning for Vision-Language Models” at the Sydney AI meetup. [I was awarded the TikTok-sponsored Best Student Presentation Award out of 48 posters!]
  • July: Presented the poster for my NeurIPS 2023 paper “NPCL: Neural Processes for Uncertainty-Aware Continual Learning” at the Eastern European Machine Learning (EEML 2024) summer school in Novi Sad, Serbia. 
  • June: Presented the poster for my NeurIPS 2024 paper “CLAP4CLIP: Continual Learning with Probabilistic Finetuning for Vision-Language Models” at the 2nd Bayes-Duality Workshop in Tokyo.


  • September: One paper accepted at NeurIPS 2023: “NPCL: Neural Processes for Uncertainty-Aware Continual Learning”, Saurav Jha, Dong Gong, He Zhao, Lina Yao. [Pre-print and Code coming up soon]
  • July: One paper accepted at ICCV 2023: “Distilled Reverse Attention Network for Open-world Compositional Zero Shot Learning” [arXiv], Yun Li, Zhe Liu, Saurav Jha, Sally Cripps, Lina Yao.





  • April: I have been awarded the prestigious 49,000 Erasmus Mundus scholarship for a two-year Master’s study at the University of St Andrews, UK and the Universite de Lorraine, France.